Benefits of Garlic for Face and Hair. Women will usually do anything to be beautiful, not to mention trying the benefits of garlic for the face. Garlic is one type of cooking spice that someone does not want to consume too much because it leaves a stinging smell in the mouth. Other people who are near you may be uncomfortable if your breath smells of garlic. But apparently, the substance in garlic is responsible for the smell that also brings a variety of benefits for beauty and health. For that reason, in addition to being used in the culinary area, since the first garlic has been used to be a natural medicine from generation to generation.
Garlic is native to Central Asia. Benefits of garlic for health has been known for approximately 7000 years, not least the benefits of garlic for the face. Benefits of garlic is because garlic contains a substance called allicin. Allicin extract can be obtained when garlic is cut, pounded, or chewed. Allicin substance in garlic oil-shaped liquid with a sharp smell.
In addition to allicin, garlic also contains various kinds of flavonoid substances that act as anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-virus. No less important, in garlic also contain antioxidant substances. The benefits of garlic for the face and hair will be reviewed in depth in this article, followed by a brief explanation of the benefits of garlic to support other body functions.
Benefits of Garlic for Face and Hair
Garlic can be used for skin beauty, among others, to eliminate acne. Enough with one clove of garlic, you can overcome the problem of acne that sometimes appears out of nowhere. How to overcome the acne is enough to cut the tip of a garlic clove, then rub on the skin of acne. Bacteria that cause acne will be eradicated by the content of antioxidants in garlic.
The easiest way to process garlic to overcome the acne is to pound a few cloves of garlic, then Dab into acne facial area. Let stand for a few minutes to ensure the content of allicin in garlic has enough time to kill the bacteria that cause acne. After 15-20 minutes, clean the garlic mask and then wash thoroughly with lukewarm water.
After applying garlic on the face, you may feel a little heat sensation. To ease it you can use a moisturizing product that matches your skin afterwards. In addition, you are also encouraged to add garlic in your diet. But keep you from consuming too much garlic, because it will cause heat effects in the body. In addition to treating acne, there are several benefits of garlic for other faces, such as:
Medical conditions in the skin called psoriasis arise when there is chronic inflammation that is autoimmune (a disease that arises from the reaction of the immune system itself). Symptoms arise in the form of thick white, silver, or red patches on the skin of various parts of the body such as the legs, lower back, knees, and elbows. This condition is not easy to handle. In addition to therapy from a doctor, you can also use garlic to relieve the symptoms of psoriasis. (Read also: Natural Ways to Decrease Facial Pores)
The trick is to use garlic oil and rub it on the skin affected by psoriasis. Anti-inflammatory agents on garlic will help in reducing the spots that arise and subsequently smooth the skin, which is included in one of the benefits of garlic for the face. Garlic also inhibits the activity of lipoxygenase enzyme, which is responsible for causing inflammation in patients with psoriasis.
Overcoming injuries caused by oral herpes
Oral or herpes oral herpes in the lips and mouth is caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1. A person with oral herpes experiences several signs and symptoms such as onset of a wound on the lips, cheeks, neck or other face. Oral herpes inflamed can be unsightly. Applying garlic or garlic oil that has been pounded can help speed the healing process.
Skin infections
As already mentioned, garlic contains anti-viral and antibacterial substances, so many experts consider it effective to alleviate the signs and symptoms of various skin infections problems. Itching due to other skin diseases can be reduced by the use of garlic, because the anti-fungal content is in it. (Read also: How to whiten the skin of the hand naturally)
How to treat garlic as a natural remedy to overcome skin infections by pounding garlic to extract the oil. Apply the garlic oil to the affected skin area, leave it for 15-20 minutes. After that, rinse with clean water. For more significant results, repeat the steps once or twice a day for several weeks. The use of garlic directly on the face area is usually done before bathing, so as not to leave behind the smell of garlic stinging in the face.
The producers of various beauty products produce a wide range of anti wrinkle and anti aging products. One of the benefits of garlic for the face is to help overcome the usual wrinkles and fine lines that appear on the face when a person is approaching middle age. Include raw garlic on your diet for allicin substances to work optimally from within. (Read also: Natural way to whiten face with spinach leaves)
The anti wrinkle effect of garlic is due to the content of allicin that acts as an antioxidant, also because the content of zinc, selenium, and vitamin C. Because the substances contained in garlic, garlic can also provide protection from ultraviolet radiation.
Dandruff removal
You already know the benefits of garlic for the face, but what about the hair? Apparently, garlic can also be used as an effective natural ingredient to combat hair loss and dandruff. You can rub garlic directly on the scalp or use garlic oil to make it more practical.
Dandruff can be very embarrassing, especially if you are in the midst of family or colleagues. Dandruff can cause itching, and the itch can become heavier at a certain temperature or weather. Garlic is effective against dandruff because it contains anti-fungal substances. (Read also: 9 Ways to get rid of dandruff with natural ingredients)
Crushed garlic and then left for 10-15 minutes contains a very high concentration of allicin, which helps overcome the problem of dandruff. For handling dandruff problems, you can apply garlic directly on the scalp or consume it for resistance from within.
In addition to the benefits of garlic for the face and hair you already know, garlic is also efficacious to reduce and maintain blood pressure, maintain the health of the cardiovascular system, prevent memory loss, strengthen bones for women who are more susceptible to osteoporosis, strengthen the immune system, cholesterol, relieve toothache, prevent cancer, and fight infections that often attack our body's defense systems like colds and ear infections.
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