How to Straighten Hair Naturally

How to straighten hair naturally. Do not blame a woman who performs various ways to straighten her beautiful hair. Because keeping the appearance has become an obligation for them. Although women sometimes pay less attention to the ways used, instead of having straight hair instead of problems arise without the damage they realize.

The use of traditional materials in the field of beauty has been done since antiquity, there are many natural ways that are proven to make hair straight. However, Few methods are safe to use and cause no side effects.

For a natural hair straightening tutorial the following only requires two main ingredients namely coconut water and lime fruit. Both materials have different nutrients and benefits. Where coconut water is useful to strengthen the roots and improve blood circulation to hair follicles. While lime is useful in removing dirt on the scalp and make hair more shiny naturally. (Read also: Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Hair)

The combination of these two ingredients will help straighten the curly hair without endangering the health of the scalp. Indeed there are other materials that can be used but not all suitable to be mixed as a traditional herb. In addition, coconut and lime water is easier to find, you can get it in traditional markets or even in your own garden.

Straighten Hair Naturally

How to straighten hair naturally

Ingredients :

  • 1 cup coconut water
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice

How to create and use:

  1. Combine lime juice and coconut water and stir until blended
  2. Apply evenly to your curly hair to the roots while massaged slowly
  3. In order for the potion to work optimally, keep it in the refrigerator for 5 minutes before use
  4. Comb your hair gently and wrap it in a towel
  5. Wait 20 - 30 minutes for its usefulness to seep into the roots of the hair and then rinse with cold water
  6. To keep hair straight permanently, do regular maintenance one week once

Efficacy of coconut water has been proven effective to maintain scalp health from antiquity and when combined with lime then its usefulness will increase that is straightening curly hair naturally. The duration of use of the above ingredients is influenced by the level of curly hair and the intensity of use.

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