How To Eliminate Blackheads In The Face Quickly and Naturally

How To Eliminate Blackheads In The Face Quickly and Naturally. Blackheads on the face like the nose, cheeks, and chin is very annoying because this will make our face look unattractive because these blackheads can cause black spots on the face. The cause of the occurrence of this blackhead itself is usually due to blockage of dirt and oil on the pores of the face so that bacteria will accumulate and turn into blackheads, even not only that but also can make the face becomes acne.

How To Eliminate Blackheads

How To Eliminate Blackheads In The Face Quickly and Naturally

How to remove blackheads is actually very easy because only by using natural ingredients and traditional course on a regular basis and consistent then this can overcome the problem of blackheads on the face. Well, if at this time you have problems and free from blackheads then try to follow the way below.

How To Eliminate Blackheads Naturally

1. White Eggs

The first way to remove blackheads easily and quickly is to use egg whites. Besides beneficial to tighten and eliminate acne on the face, egg white is also powerful to overcome the problem of blackheads. How to use it very easy that we mix the egg whites with a spoon of honey, then apply on the face that there are blackheads. Let stand for 20 minutes, then rinse it with clean water. Do it this way regularly and consistently so the results can be seen in a short time.(Read also: Benefits & how to make a face mask from egg whites)

2. Lemons

Lemons contain vitamin C and antioxidants that are good for the body and health. In addition to delicious juice, lemons can also be utilized to overcome various problems on the face such as eliminating acne, blackheads and brighten dull face. Well, for those of you who want to remove blackheads with lemon or lime then the way is very easy that we live just prepare a lemon and then cut into several parts. After that, wipe the lemon slices slowly on the face and squeeze a little to let the water out. Let stand for 15 minutes until the lemon water dries and then just rinsed using clean water.(Read also: The benefits of lemon for facial beauty)

3. Toothpaste

Toothpaste not only serves to whiten teeth but also we can use for other things that one of them is to remove blackheads. How to use toothpaste to remove blackheads is very easy that we live just dab the toothpaste on the face that there are blackheads and give a little massage. After 10 minutes then rinse your face using clean water.

4. Salt

Kitchen salt is usually used to give a taste of cuisine, but this kitchen spice also has other benefits that can be to remove blackheads. The easy way is we input 3 spoon salt into the bucket, then add water. Let alone the salt dissolves by itself and do not stir, then the salt water is made to wash your face. After that, the salt that is deposited under the basin make a scrub for the face.

5. Ice cubes

Then the last way that can be said enough powerful to remove blackheads on the face is to use ice cubes. The trick is very easy that we live just paste iceberg on the face, do like a massaging movement. For better results then try to clean your blackheads first with a face mask then after that use ice cubes to shrink the pores of the face.

That's how to get rid of blackheads naturally and quickly using traditional ingredients that are certainly safe and cheap. Good luck.

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