Makes the lips look a natural red. Lips are part of a sensational face and often make a person look beautiful because it has a red and beautiful lips. Lips are also an object of beauty for women. But if the lips are not clean and red, like black then the beauty of the face will fade. Black lips symbolize bad health or unhealthy habits such as smoking, jerking alcohol and other habits such as often wetting the lips with saliva. Many people also use lipstick to redden lips, this is a habit for women, sometimes the name of this habit even make the lips dry or problematic.
Beauty tips this time will provide a special way for you who want to come up with beautiful and fascinating lips. There is a natural way that can be done, in addition to leaving your bad habits as above.
Makes The Lips Look a Natural Red
1. Using olive oil
The use of olive oil as a natural ingredient of women's beauty is no longer a secret, because this olive oil has been used from generation to generation from our grandmother first. One of the benefits of olive oil is to return the red color to the lips to its original shape. (Read also: Care of the lips to make it look perfect)
The easy way is to often smear the lips or moisten the lips with olive oil. The best time to smear the lips is to use them at night before bed.
2. Brighten the lips with the original honey
Honey is a proven natural ingredient for various beauty and health complaints. honey, especially the pure into a powerful ingredient in reddening the lips. how it works the same as olive oil, as well as how to use it on the lips, just like using olive oil. (Read also: Benefits of Honey for Women's Face Beauty)
3. Brighten the lips with red yams
Another natural ingredient for natural beauty lipstick tips is red yam. Red cassava is known to have a red pigment that can be useful to redden black or brown lips.
The trick is to smooth the red yam, and then make it as a lip mask, apply a red yam mask on the lips when about to sleep.
4. Brighten lips with lime
Beauty tips natural red lip is to use lime. This highly acidic fruit proved to have many benefits for health or beauty. One of the benefits for beauty is reddening the lips. How to redden the lips with a simple lime that is by making lime juice as a lip mask. Anti oxidants in lime will remove the black spots on the lips and make the lips clean and red natural.(Read also: Whiten skin using lime)
Here are some tips to lend your lips using natural ingredients. This beauty lipstick tips should be in your efforts to stop your bad habits like smoking, or lick your lips with your own saliva. Then just apply these methods regularly and see the results after 2 weeks.
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