How to Keep Hair Healthy With Aloe Vera

How to Keep Hair Healthy With Aloe Vera. Hair is a feather that grows in the head that is useful to protect the head against exposure to sun and cold weather. Hair is a crown to function to beautify one's appearance. Hair health is very important to keep the hair is not damaged and fall out.

Everyone will want to have healthy hair, beautiful, shiny and easy to set up. Hair health is also very closely related to one's health and can make an indication that someone is sick or not. For example, in cancer patients. The sufferers of this disease will experience hair loss in large numbers even to bald.

Hair problems can be caused by improper treatment or can be caused by an unhealthy lifestyle. A healthy diet with balanced nutrition and sufficient white water will make hair shiny and healthy. Therefore hair care will be perfect if done from the outside and also from within.

Many people are not aware of the lifestyle and the way they treat hair is wrong. So many hair problems arising from lifestyle and wrong hair treatment. Hair problems that often occur include hair loss, branched hair, dry hair and oily hair.

How to Keep Hair Healthy

How to Keep Hair Healthy With Aloe Vera

Hair care using natural ingredients is better than using chemicals. Natural ingredients will have no side effects and even more healthful. One of the natural ingredients that are useful to keep hair healthy is Aloe Vera.

Aloe vera contains 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids and 200 phytonutrients that are good for healthy skin and hair. Aloe vera also has powerful antibacterial properties to overcome various skin problems and beauty. With such diverse content, it is no wonder that this natural ingredient is widely used in many beauty products.

In its use for skin care, Aloe vera can also relieve acne, moisturize the skin, detoxify the skin, eliminate scars and marks, reduce inflammation and repair and rejuvenate the skin.

Aloe vera also contains folic acid that protects the immune system and the health of the body that is often reflected in the skin. With a variety of benefits contained in aloe vera, utilization is less optimal by people who only use it as a fertilizer hair.

Here's how to keep hair healthy with aloe vera

1. Prevent hair loss

Aloe vera can be used to prevent and overcome hair loss. the way is:
  1. Choose a crocodile tongue that is still young and large.
  2. Peel the skin of aloe vera and also the spines that are located on the edge of the leaves.
  3. Take the aloe vera only or the slimy part.
  4. Destroy a little to make it easier for you.
  5. Add 1 teaspoon of Olive Oil and stir.
  6. Apply on your hair evenly and let stand for 1 hour.
  7. Wash your hair thoroughly.

2. Make hair shiny

Perhaps you have been using conditioner to make your hair shiny and soft. This time to be more healthy you can use natural ingredients such as Aloe Vera.

  1. Take Aloe Vera and then split the leaves and take the contents of the gel-shaped inside.
  2. Take also a hibiscus flower approximately 1 teaspoon then blend with Aloe Vera.
  3. Apply to hair evenly while massaged.
  4. Then let stand a moment and rinse with water or can use shampoo.

3. Prevent dry hair

Most hair problems are dry hair. For that you can treat it by using Aloe vera extract.

  1. Take Aloe Vera and the middle match.
  2. Add 1 teaspoon of Olive Oil and stir.
  3. Apply on your hair evenly and let stand for 1 hour.
  4. Wash your hair thoroughly.

4. Prevent dandruff coming again

Natural enzymes in aloe vera can help peel off dead cells and prevent the proliferation of fungi and dandruff. The dandruff head is very disturbing. Hair will be very itchy and also ruin the appearance. So that dandruff does not come again you can use Aloe Vera.

  1. Take the gel from Aloe Vera
  2. Then mix with tea tree oil and rose water
  3. Rub on the scalp
  4. Leave for 1 hour
  5. Then wash your hair thoroughly

This way can be done 1-2 times a week to get maximum results. (Read also: 9 Ways to get rid of dandruff with natural ingredients)

5. Overcoming oily hair

Oily hair is usually caused by the production of excess oil on the scalp. So as to make hair becomes oily. One way to reduce oil on the scalp is to use Aloe Vera.

  1. Take Aloe Vera, peel the skin and let the middle part then crush.
  2. Add a few spoonfuls of lime juice.
  3. Apply to hair evenly from root to whole hair.
  4. Let stand a few minutes.
  5. Then rinse with clean water.

Those are some tips on how to keep hair healthy with aloe vera. Do the above tips regularly and patiently for the results obtained more leverage. Good luck.

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