Tips to Overcome Dry and Dull Skin Naturally

Tips to Overcome Dry and Dull Skin Naturally. Dry skin will remove the charm, the beauty of a person. So also with dull skin. A lot of things that make a skin like this, one of which is the state of air pollution and dirty conditions will make the skin dull and dirty as well as drought. You will definitely look like a person who does not know how to take care of themselves. So, to anticipate, it is important for a person especially women to pay attention to the condition of his skin so that the beauty is maintained.
Dry and Dull Skin Naturally

Tips to Overcome Dry and Dull Skin

Here are some tips to overcome dull and dry skin.

1. Consume enough water

If the body's need for enough water, then the skin will look fresh and moist. But on the contrary, if the lack of water then the skin will look dull and dry some people sick.

2. Consume healthy food

Consume healthy food could be an alternative to avoid the skin dry or dull. Especially are foods that contain vitamin C, magnesium and beta-carotene. The consumption of oranges, apples, mangoes and pears. These foods will make your skin healthy and glowing.

3. Get into the habit of healthy living

A healthy life starts with maintaining the cleanliness of the body, namely with shower 2 times a day. Bath two times a day will change your skin becomes soft and clean and free of dirt.

4. Regular exercise

This can be a solution for dry and dull skin. Exercise will expend the calories that excessive as well as sweat. Through the sweat, dead skin cells will also be wasted, so the skin will be soft, and bright.

5. Use a moisturizer after bath
Using a moisturizer is one of the natural ways to moisturize skin dull and dry. Use a moisturizer after a bath regularly will help you to get skin that is smooth and seamless.

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